II don't thinkk english is so helpful.中的句子成分?

Step I. Listening and Speaking
Task 1 Listen to the conversation twice and fill in the missing words.
Task 2 Listen to the following sentences and choose the appropriate responses.
Task 3 Listen to the following short dialogues twice and choose the appropriate answers.
Task 4 Listen to the conversation twice and choose the best answer to each question.
Task 5 Listen to the following passage three times and fill in the blanks with what you hear.
Task 6 Make a conversation with your partner with the useful expressions to express thanks, congratulations and good wishes.
Step II. New Words and Expressions of Text A
Pre-reading questions:
1. What is the cause of the student’s death?
He was poisoned by someone.
2. Why was the student killed?
We don’t know the reason.
3. What should you do if you have something unpleasant with your classmates?
I should learn to compromise and tolerant toward them.
A. Important words: suspect poison roommate multiple failure dormitory
identify suspicion investigation tolerant victim incident
academic competition intern spokesman scholarship
candidate compromise peer opposite
suspect vt. (not in the progressive tenses) to think that something is probably true, especially something bad怀疑
I suspected that there was something wrong with the watch.我怀疑手表有点毛病。
poison vt. to give someone poison, especially by adding it to their food or drink, in order to harm or kill them投毒;毒害
Someone tried to poison our dog.
poisonous adj.有毒的
roommate n. a person that you share a room with, especially at college室友
My roommate snores every night very loudly.
multiple adj. many, or involving many things, people, events etc许多的
Not all DVDs support multiple languages.
并非所有 DVD都支持多种语言。
failure n. lack of success失败;a person, attempt, or thing that fails失败的人(尝试、事情);
the non-performance or production of something expected or desired未完成;未如愿以偿
His plans ended in failure.
The primary cause of Tom’s failure is his laziness.
heart failure心力衰竭
dormitory n. a large room for several people to sleep in , especially in a school or other institution宿舍
Every girl must sign in when she comes back to the dormitory.
identify vt. to recognize and correctly name someone or something识别;辨认出;鉴定
I identified the man at once; he was a famous film star.
suspicion n. the act of suspecting or state of being suspected怀疑;嫌疑
He was under suspicion of theft.
investigation n. the act of investigating something调查
The accident is under investigation.
FBI (=Federal Bureau of Investigation)美国联邦调查局
investigate v.调查研究;审查
opposite prep. on the other side of a particular area from sb/sth在……的对面
He came in and took a seat opposite (to) me.
victim n. someone who has been attacked, robbed, or murdered受害者;牺牲者
Think of yourself as a survivor, not a victim.
把自己看作幸运儿 ,不要看作受害者。
incident n. an event, especially one that is unusual, important事件
She give the police a full account of the incident.
academic adj. relating to education, especially at college or university level学术的
an academic degree学位
academic discussion学术讨论
academy n.学院;学会;专科院校
competition n. the act of competing竞争;对抗;a test of strength, skill, ability, etc.比赛
He was on cloud nine after winning the competition.
compete vi.竞争
competitor n.竞争者;对手
competitive adj. 竞争的;竞争性的
intern n. so,meone, especially a student, who works for a short time in a particular job in order to gain experience实习生
I worked as an intern at that company last summer.
spokesman n. a man who has been chosen to speak officially for a group, organization, or government发言人;代言人
He is the spokesman for the conference.
We’ll have a famous film star as our spokesman.
scholarship n. an amount of money that is given to someone by an educational organization to help pay for their education奖学金
He won a scholarship to Cambridge.
candidate n. someone who is being considered for a job or is competing in an election候选人;应试者
There are three candidates for the vacancy.
compromise vi. to settle an argument or differences of opinion by taking a middle course acceptable to all sides妥协;折中
They found it wiser to compromise with her.
He wanted $10; I wanted to pay$ 6; we reached a compromise; and I paid $ 8.
他要价 10美元,我只想付 6美元,结果采取折中的办法,我付给他 8美元。
peer n. (usually pl.) a person who is the same age as you, or who have the same type of job, social class etc同辈;同等人;同事;同龄人
Children are easily influenced by their peers.
tolerant adj. allowing people to do, say, or believe what they want without criticizing or punishing them容忍的;宽容的
He is not very tolerant of criticism.
tolerate vt.容忍;忍受
B. Important Phrases: due to micro blog water cooler bulletin board
be popular with get along with
due to because of因为;由于
Some students quit school due to poverty.
辨析 due to owing to because of thanks to
due to用于较庄重的书面语中,侧重“起因于”,在句中多作表语,有时作状语。
owing to可以和due to换用,但在句中多作状语,也可作表语。
because of着重某个结果的原因,在句中通常作状语。
thanks to突出一种感激之情,含“多亏”意味。例如:
His illness is due to bad food.
Owing to the rain, the meeting has to be put off.
We must not get discouraged because of such a minor setback.
Thanks to the car, I was able to get back home in time.
micro blog a blog in which there is a limitation on the length of individual postings微博
I will write something on my micro blog in English every day.
water cooler a machine that dispenses drinking water, especially in an office饮水机
We have no water cooler in our dormitory.
bulletin board a board that is usually attached to a wall in order to display notices giving information about something布告栏;公告栏
I buy it second-hand from a man who put up a notice on the university bulletin board.
be popular with be liked by受欢迎
Net songs are very popular with young people.
get along with have smooth relations友好相处
He is the last person that I’ll get along with.
Step III. Details of Text A: Medical Student Dies after Suspected Poisoning
Language Points:
1. A postgraduate (研究生) medical student in Shanghai who police believe was poisoned by a roommate has died. (Para.1)上海一名医学研究生死亡,警察认为这是由其室友毒死的。
2. Police tested the water and found something poisonous. (Para.2)
3. The ancient poem is often used to mock people who try to attack a once-close friend. (Para.3)人们经常用这首诗讽刺那些试图攻击曾是亲密朋友的人。
be used to在这句话中表示被动语态“被用来”,后跟动词原形。如果表示“习惯于”,后接名词或动名词。如:I am used to getting up early.我习惯了早起。注意另外一个词组used to do,表示过去经常发生的事,强调现在已经不再这样。如:I used to drink much beer.我过去常喝很多啤酒。
4. My son was finishing his study through a work-study program. (Para.5)
我儿子通过勤工俭学来完成他的学业。work-study program指勤工俭学或者半工半读。
5. Another student living in the same dormitory building as Huang and Lin said... (Para.7)
living in the same dormitory building as Huang and Lin是student的定语,分词短语作定语时往往放在被修饰的词之后,相当于一个定语从句。现在分词与被修饰词之间具有主动意义,过去分词与被修饰词之间具有被动意义。这句话中,live和student之间是主动关系,所以用living而不用lived。
6. It’s the small things that can cause serious problems for dormitory relations. (Para.8)
It’s...that...是强调结构,要注意与it引导的主语从句的区别,去掉“it is...that...”后,剩余的词仍然能组成一个完整的句子就是强调结构,否则就是主语从句。如:It is a fact that
English is being accepted as an international language.该句话中,it是形式主语。
Step IV. Exercises of Section A (P49-51 )
Homework: 1) prepare for Section B : Wealth, Success or Love
2) get the main idea and finish the exercises on page 52
Step V. Explain Section III: Practical Writing
In order to send the message successfully, you will need to fill in the following pieces of information.
To: Type the e-mail address of the person you are sending the message to. The address must be typed in correctly or the message will not reach them. A typical address will look something like this: somebodylincsat.com
Cc: Carbon copy recipients will receive a copy of the message you are sending. Enter their address in field.
Bcc: Blind carbon copy recipients will also receive a copy of the message, but their names will not appear in the message header so they can remain anonymous.
Subject: The title of your message—the first part that the recipient will not see on their screen.
If you want to attach a file to your e-mail message, simply follow these instructions:
1.Click on the Paper Clip icon at the top of the window will appear.
2.Select the file from your hard disk that you wish to add as an attachment. The name the file will appear in the Rile name box.
3.Click on the Attach button. The attached file will appear as an icon at the bottom of your message. If you receive messages with such icons attached, simply double click on them to open the files.
4.To send the message, click on the Send button. If you are not connected to to the Internet, your message will go to your Outbox. The message will not be sent until you connect to the Internet again and click on the Send and Receive icon at the top of the Outlook Express window.
电子邮件(e-mail或email) 是electronic mail的缩写。它是现代社会人们常用的交际工具和手段。
电子邮件一般有三部分组成:邮件头(e-mail header)、正文(message content)和签名(signature)。
Cc是carbon copy的缩写,而Bcc是blind carbon copy的缩写。有时出于礼貌,在Cc栏添加某些人的邮件地址,这些人需要知道邮件主题但未被请求就邮件内容作出反应。他们只需做到心中有数就行。Bcc栏用时需谨慎,因为如上所述,这一栏的人可以看到To和Cc栏内的人的姓名,而自己的姓名却不会被这些人看见。
Sample 1 E-mail电子邮件
To: musiccompanyyahoo.com(收件人)
Cc: andersonyahoo.com(抄送)
Subject: Music CD Copying(主题)
Dear Mr. Smith,
I read on your web site that you offer Music CD copying for large quantities of CDs. I'd like to inquire about the procedures involved in these services. Are the files transferred online, or are the titles sent by CD to you by standard mail? How long does it usually take to produce approximately 500 copies? Are there any discounts on such a large quantity?
Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions. I look forward to your response.
Jack Finley
Sales Manager, Young Talent Inc.
(709) 567 – 3498
联系电话:(709) 567 - 3498
Sample 2
Fax (传真)
A fax is a very common means of communication in business and other fields of social life.
The layout should be in the following order:
1.Receiver’s name, title, address, and fax number
Sender’s name, title, address, and fax number
Number of pages in the fax
2.Subject line and message
3.Closing phrase and signature
Sample 1 Fax 传真
Sample 2
Acme Card Corp.
123 Cash Blvd. New York, NY. 555555
Telephone:(800)555-55555 Fax:(800)555-5556 (公司名称和地址)
No. of Pages: 1 (传真页码)
To: Sandra Short
PO Box 26 Greensboro, CT 34567(收件人)
Fax:: (555)555-5553 (收件人传真号码)
From : Joan Adams Acme Card Corp.(寄件人)
Date: 5 July, 2005 (日期)
Cc: Sue Frazer Excel Acme Card Corp.(抄送)
Subiect: Credit Appication (主题)
Dear Sandra,(称呼)
We need you to fill out the attached form to complete your credit application.(政)
Thanks for applying for Acme card!(结束语)
Joan Adans(署名)
Acct. Representative(头衔)
感谢申请Acme 信用卡
Step VI. Section IV: Translating
Amplification in English-Chinese Translation(英译汉中的词语增补)
1. 增补概括性的词语
① The principal functions that may be performed by vacuum tubes are rectification, amplification, oscillation, modulation and detection.
真空管的五个主要功能是: 整流、放大、振荡、调制和检测。
② Environmental consciousness, trade pattern and high technology have a major impact on the nature of metal industries.
2. 增补解释性的词语
① When our general manager goes on a business trip, he will do anything according to the schedule.
② The tension in the Middle East has attracted much attention of the world.
③ The management has notified us its decision.
④ There seems to be no solution to the problem.
3. 增补连接词
① Past retirement age, Dr.Lin is as energetic as ever.
② Without water, there could be no life on the earth.
4. 增补英文中习惯表达中省略的词语
① All customers, rich or poor, should be treated equally.
② Water shortages are a global problem, especially in big cities.
③ If I were there!
④ White lies don’t hurt.
5. 增补表示动词时态的词语
① I was, and remain, grateful for the part he played in my release.
② He is making the presentation of the product in the conference room.
6. 增补表示名词复数的词语
① Air is the mixture of gases.
② The lion is the king of the animals.
③ I saw bubbles rising from under the water.
④ The mobile phones developed by his company are welcomed by the customers.
7. 增补代词it, they, this, that, which真正指代的含义
① It is sunny tomorrow morning, and then changes to be cloudy in the afternoon.
② Alice received an invitation from her boss, which came as a surprise.


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