
19年江苏地区英一77,我的作文是在考研前一周花一天半搞定的,爆发式。虽然之前也背了几个星期,奈何本人记忆力很差,记得东西一多脑子就一锅粥,背了这么久实际上毫无卵用…我的一些感悟:首先,对于每天捧作文书背十几篇这种行为,可以但实在没必要。另外,知乎上各种方法看看就好,不要沉迷其中。方法很多,关键是找到适合自己的很难,一头扎进去,只会让你越来越焦虑。我摸索出一种方法,其核心是:不要光背,也不要只看方法,重要的是实战。下面是我在考研前三天悟到的sao操作:首先,你需要总结好一套模板,背到滚瓜烂熟。这个模板最好保证对于不同话题,替换率在20%到30%。当然现在也有机构在卖模板,省去你的麻烦。其次,稍微总结一些高级替换,形成自己的语料库。(以上两个步骤建议花费不超过三天。)最后一步,也是最最最重要的,你学会要拿来用,把近10年的作文真题,套用你自己的模板,全部写一遍,一定得掐表!我平时练习能在30分钟内写完大作文+小作文,考研用了35分钟。第三步建议花费一天,没错,一口气写完,以保证熟练度。一定要训练自己达到这样一种熟练程度:拿到新题目能在半个小时写完大小作文!!当你达到这个程度,你在上考场前内心会稳如老狗,丝毫不带慌的。最后附上我当时用的模板:(花好几百买的商志的,当时一看价格好几百,瞬间不想要了,最后还是狠心买了,后来证明要是没这个东西我可能就没学上了555)大作文模板说明下面是正式的大作文模板,由于原照片有个人信息的水印,所以我替换成下面的图。倒数第六行uck打错了,改成 luck考研中英语其实是一门很容易让人焦虑的科目,因为大多数人做完心里都是没底的,这个确实有运气成分在里面。我认为准备英语作文的意义,不仅仅在于作文分数提高的那几分,更重要的是它能影响你做英语题的整个状态。所以我建议发下卷子先写作文,在保持一定质量的前提下快速写完(最好35分钟内),这样能省下来时间留给阅读。我做19年英一,新题型感觉很难,我花了接近半个小时,幸好先写的作文省下一笔时间,不然损失就严重了。我的主观题得了27,扣了13,只能说是一个中等偏上的分,但是主观题省下的时间帮助我客观题只扣了10分,总体分数还是稳的。ps:我英语基础并不算好,四级429,六级考了三四次才过。平时做英一真题阅读都是错5到9个,考研时运气稍好,阅读错了4个,完型错了4个。即使按最坏的情况(阅读错9个)算,我英语还有67分,不算很坏的结果。有人问我说,平时做阅读错五六七八个咋办,感觉太多了。其实阅读错5个以上是很正常的事,请大家佛系一点,好好练就行了,错六七个也不影响你考70多,不用焦虑。
很多人因为考研的经验贴认识了我,因为英语二作文拿了高分,也经常被问到作文模板的事情,在这里发出来,不卖任何关子的干货,希望能够稍微帮助到大家。别忘了点赞关注,我的收藏数都快超过得赞数了啊喂!考研英语(二)的议论文150-200词,15分的分值。与小作文相比,难度更大,也更容易与他人拉开差距。考研英语写作是语言考试,不是思维考试,所以语言表达是最重要的,其次是结构,最后才是你的内容。也就是说,在写作中,你新颖的观点并不重要,多变的句式、丰富的高级词汇、正确的语法才是最重要的。这也告诉我们,其实写作可以靠背。英语(二)主要考察图画、图表类题目。第一段为描述段。根据2010年至2017年大作文,总结了六类图表类型。其中个人认为①、④是重点考察类型。这几类描述只需背下来,碰到类似的图表相当于在默写。第二段为主体段,我在背完所有真题范文的时候,发现其实也都是套路。还是那句话,观点内容并不是最重要的,一定要记住这是语言表达考试。主体段一般写图表的原因,或者对图表现象的看法。一般第一句为过渡句,①是通用的。接下来是内容表达,所有的图表现象,出现的原因无外乎经济原因、科技原因、本身原因、政策原因。总结如下。随便拍的一篇,用上面总结的套路试一下。首先第一段描述图表,这是一个非常简单的图,只有单个指标的数据,用②的描述稍微改动就可以完成首段。第二段第一句过渡,默写一下即可。第二句,用②中的经济原因,随着经济的发展人们生活水平提高,从而网上购物剧增。第三句,用③中的科技原因,科技的发展保障了电子商务的发展。第四句,用④的本身原因,我们必须承认电子商务具有非常便捷的特点,因此发展迅速。写到第三个原因基本就可以,要继续写,也可以写政策的支持等。第三段尾段,积极现象通用的总结,相信电子商务在未来有非常好的发展。这样下来,一篇作文非常快就可以完成了,因为都是背过的,也不必过多担心语法问题。所以我经常说考研英语的作文其实也就是默写而已,希望自己的笔记能够帮到大家。大作文要拿12分,靠背范文也靠灵活运用和总结。发布于 2019-02-18 14:39
前言+思路讲解答主目前是一名全职考研英语和四六级主讲老师,考研英语成绩一直保持在85-90+的水平,作文和翻译的扣分一直保持在3分左右,长期的学习和教学使得我对于英语作文如何取得高分非常有心得,这次我花了很长时间准备了考研英语写作模板,希望能够帮到大家。我的模板的使用有几个注意事项,以下我分点分享给大家,你需要认同我的观点再做学习:1.不是什么模板都能得分的,差劲的模板分数都很低,远不如你自己写得分高你学习模板,不是为了完成任务,而是为了获得分数。很多同学在学习模板时,有一个错误的挂念:能够容易套进去的模板就是好模板。很多模板看似很好用,不需要动脑子,把一些主题词放进去,就完事了,这样的模板是一定没有分数的,完全还不如你自己写着最简单的句子拿分搞,可能很多同学基础薄弱,就想拿个及格分就完事了,但是我的建议是,只要你不是对英语完全不懂,能写出简单的句子,都尽量不要去套那种完全不过脑子的模板,否则就要再来一年。一篇作文要拿到好的分数,有多个维度,内容,语言,卷面等等,但是我觉得最重要的影响得分的因素是:切题。你的作文内容一定是根据话题本身来的,这是评分最基本的维度,很多阅卷老师看你的作文内容,一眼就能判定你套没套模板,你的作文能不能及格。所以,那种完全不看内容,和主题没有任何关系的模板是一点分都得不到的。2.我的模板与其是一种模板,更是一种写作框架,需要你有一定的英语功底,根据主题,填写一定切题的内容中国的学生写作文确实普遍存在困难,我也认真分析过,我发现大部分同学要写整篇作文会比较难,但是让你写1-2个句子就容易很多,不仅容易,不少同学还能写得很好。2.最好的模板就是看不出来阅卷人看不出来你是模板,所以我鼓励有一定基础的同学,对我的模板进行二次创作3.今年考纲有变动,英语一的同学建议看一下图表作文的模板;英语二的同学建议看图画作文的模板,以防今年考试内容与往年不同。一、英语一-图画作文视频讲解:考研英语图画作文高分模板思路https://www.zhihu.com/video/1580756511269031936图画作文我们分为两个类型,一类是正面/负面话题;一类是中性话题(一)正面/负面话题这类主题是有明显的价值观偏向的,比如2019年,坚持努力就是正面话题,2013年玩手机就是负面话题1.首段(第一段)在讲解模板结构和框架的过程中,我们同时以2006年这一篇“养老足球赛”为例,很明显这是一篇典型的“负面话题”的作文,那么明显带有“正面”或“负面”偏向的作文是考研英语作文的主旋律,占据考研英语作文大部分比重,而这种作文很容易陷入“低分模板”的怪圈中。接下来,咱们直接进入主题:①首段第一句结构:This cartoon is a visual reminder of the significance(正面意义)/the severity(负面意义)/impact(中性影响) of (主题词,用名词或动名词 ). 翻译:这幅图画在视觉上提醒我们…的重要性/危害/影响2006年举例:举例:This cartoon is a visual reminder the severity of grown ups’ refusing to care for their aging parents. 翻译:这幅漫画从视觉上提醒了成年人拒绝照顾年迈父母的严重性。②首段第二句-描述图画(对象1动作描述)咱们把图画描述的对象分为两个,首先进行第一个对象的动作描述(也就是图片中最显眼的对象或是需要首先描述的对象):结构: In the center of the picture is A (A是单数/are A是复数),形容词1 and 形容词B,doing B and doing C翻译:在这幅发人深省的图片中央是一个…人在…(干嘛)和…(干嘛)2006年举例:(在2006年这篇图画的例子中,很明显是图片中的老人最显眼,需要优先描述)例:In the center of this thought-provoking picture is an old man, sad and helpless, lying on the ground and kicked around like a football by his own children. 翻译:在这幅发人深省的画面的中心,是一位老人,悲伤而无助,躺在地上,像踢足球一样被自己的孩子踢来踢去。③首段第三句-描述图画(对象2动作描述)描述完第一个对象之后,接下来就是第二个对象的动作描述,请注意,不管是对象1还是对象2,尽可能把一个对象的动作写两个,这样,内容更充实,得分更高!结构:Meanwhile, we can also find B doing sth.(and...)翻译:与此同时,我们能够发现B(人)在…(干嘛)和…(干嘛)2006年举例:(在2006年这篇图画的例子中,很明显接下来要描述老人的子女)例:Meanwhile, we can also find the old man’s children, three sons and one daughter, all acting as gatekeepers and preventing their old father from rolling into their own houses. 翻译:同时,我们还可以找到老人的孩子,三个儿子和一个女儿,他们都充当守门人,阻止他们的老父亲进入自己的房子。补充:可考虑在人物之后增加一个 with a 形容词 expression on his(her)face或形容词/副词attentively/leisurely/exhaustedly/tearfully/seriously/merrily/heartily/brightly2006年真题第一段(首段)整体示范:This cartoon is a visual reminder the severity of grown ups’ refusing to care for their aging parents. In the center of this thought-provoking picture is an old man, sad and helpless, lying on the ground and kicked around like a football by his own children. Meanwhile, we can also find the old man’s children, three sons and one daughter, all acting as gatekeepers and preventing their old father from rolling into their own houses. 翻译:这幅漫画从视觉上提醒了成年人拒绝照顾年迈父母的严重性。在这幅发人深省的画面的中心,是一位老人,悲伤而无助,躺在地上,像踢足球一样被自己的孩子踢来踢去。同时,我们还可以找到老人的孩子,三个儿子和一个女儿,他们都充当守门人,阻止他们的老父亲进入自己的房子。点评:这就是一篇高分模板的基本素质!虽然是模板,但是总体读下来,非常通顺,模板的最高境界就是毫无模板痕迹!只有这样,阅卷老师才能感受到你的诚意,得分自然就高了(也就是我开篇说的)但是它的难度也显而易见,就是需要你有一点英语基础和写作功底,把一些与主题相关的内容写清楚,因此这一篇模板对于英语基础薄弱,或是0基础的同学,并不太友好。(我这里还有傻瓜式的模板,如果有基础薄弱的同学,可以评论,我可以放出来,我觉得也比市面上的模板强!)2.中间段(第二段)①中间段第一句-指出寓意结构:In an age of change we don’t have to make a fuss about.. the phenomenon that there are an increasing number of people( 动作,如果是主动的:用动词 ing sth.,如果是被动:用 ed +by …),翻译:在这个变化的时代,我们没有必要对越来越多的人做…(事)这个现象大惊小怪。2006年举例:例:In an age of change,we don’t have to make a fuss about the phenomenon that there are an increasing number of people abandoning the virtue of dedication and mutual help. 翻译:在一个变革的时代,我们不必对越来越多的人放弃奉献和互助的美德这一现象大惊小怪。②中间段第二句-原因1分析(第一个原因分析)结构:The root cause for this phenomenon is…, which makes sb. do sth.翻译:这个现象的根本原因是…,这使得…人做…事这里有两个地方需要你自己填写,第一个空是is...(这里填一个名词词组),需要填的内容我给你一个“万能原因素材”,你只需要从万能原因素材中,你要做的是从中挑选一个或两个(两个就用and连接)符合话题的名词短语素材放到is...的后面即可,但是要注意,第一个原因最重要,也是阅卷老师看得最认真的地方,所以你要选择最适合主题的原因角度放到空格处中!第二个需要你自己填写的是make sb do sth.填:sb do sth。这个地方相比于第一个空,有一定难度,就是这个原因使得某人做某事。这也就是为什么我这个模板它和其他模板不一样的地方,也是我强调为什么我的模板需要一定的英语水平,这样才能在空格处填写一些与话题相关的内容万能原因素材:1.moral decline 道德滑坡2.the implementation of government policy 政府政策的实施3.fierce and acute social competition 激烈的社会竞争4.Improvement in people’s living standard 人民生活水平的提高5.relevant rules and regulations not in existence or in effect 相关规章制度不存在或不生效6.advanced technology and popularity of a variety of modern devices 先进的技术和各种现代设备的普及7.influences of the surroundings 环境的影响2006年举例:举例:The root cause for this phenomenon is moral decline, which makes some grown adults are obsessed with fame,fortune and social status,whilst neglecting their responsibility of taking care of their aging parents.翻译:这种现象的根本原因是道德沦丧,这使得一些成年成年人沉迷于名利和社会地位,而忽视了照顾年迈父母的责任。③中间段第三句-原因2分析(第二个原因分析)结构:Additionally, …also contributes to this phenomenon, by which I mean that…翻译:此外,…导致了这个现象,我的意思是…同样地,这句话也有两个地方需要你自己填写,第一个空,与上一个原因类似,从万能原因的素材库中,选择一个符合话题的原因角度的名词短语即可。没有什么难度,只需要认真审题即可第二个空,that后面要写一个“主谓宾”这样完整的句子,这个部分也很有难度,你要承接原因后面的内容去写,跟上面的,which makes sb do sth类似。举例:Additionally, fierce and acute social competition and growing pressure also contributes to this phenomenon, by which I mean that it is hard for grown adults to spare much time for caring for their aging parents.④中间段第四句-正面话题(第四句我给了两个句子,一个是正面话题,还有一个是负面话题)In my humble opinion, … can not only help sb do sth. but also lay a solid foundation for …翻译:依我愚见,…不仅能帮某人做某事,同样也能为…打下一个坚实的基础。我个人非常喜欢的句式:not only..., but also...(非常推荐在模板中使用)在这个句子中,模板内容有了一个调整,具体怎么调整呢?我根据题目可能的两个方向(正面话题或负面话题)准备了两个句子,如果是正面话题,就选择正面话题的句子,如果是负面话题,我就给负面话题的句子,你只需要根据正负面话题,选择其中的一个句子即可。在这句模板中,主语直接填主题词即可。not only...but also...后面要写这个主题(正面话题)所带来的好处,需要你自己想,但是你自己想肯定困难,于是我准备了有关正面意义的表达,你只需要选择符合话题的内容,抄写下来即可:正面意义表达:help sb do sth:帮助某人做某事bring sth to sb:给某人带来…lay a solid foundation for:为…打下坚实的基础be instrumental in:在…方面起到促进作用has/have positive impacts on:对…有积极的作用举例:(正面话题:绿色出行)例:In my humble opinion, green travel can not only help us save time and money, but also lay a solid foundation for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality in cities.在我看来,绿色旅行不仅可以帮助我们节省时间和金钱,而且可以为减少温室气体排放和改善城市空气质量奠定坚实的基础。④中间段第四句-负面话题(第四句我给了两个句子,这个是负面话题)结构:Going unchallenged, such a phenomenon will go from bad to worse, and will cast a pall over… and is unsustainable in the long run.翻译:任其发展,事情会越变越糟,并将给…蒙上阴影(造成压力等),并且长期看来是无法持续的。划线部分可以从负面危害表达的素材中寻找,从而替换掉负面危害表达cast a pall over…:给…蒙上阴影pose a potential threat to:给…构成威胁bring about enormous pressure on:给…造成压力make sn unable to do sth:使某人无法做…2006年举例:举例:Going unchallenged, such a phenomenon will go from bad to worse, and will cast a pall over on the relationship between two generations, especially on their hardworking parents and is unsustainable in the long run. 翻译:如果不受挑战,这种现象将变得越来越糟,并将给两代人之间的关系蒙上阴影,尤其是对他们勤劳的父母,从长远来看是不可持续的。你会发现,负面话题的模板句与正面话题的相比,是比较模板的,不如正面话题的not only,but also那么好。我的建议是:即使是负面话题,你也可以从正面去写啊,对不对?打个比方:比如2006年这篇拒绝赡养老人,虽然是负面话题,但是你在分析的时候,你完全可以从反面(积极),如果赡养老人,所带来的积极影响,用not only,but also去写,这样看起来就好很多。所以你其实不用纠结到底是正面话题还是负面话题,即使是负面话题,也完全可以从正面分析。因此,足以看出我们这个模板的灵活程度。④中间段第五句-中间段总结(虚拟语气)结构:In addition/On the contrary, how can we expect sb doing sth. to do sth.翻译:另外,我们如何指望做…的人去做…呢?2006年举例:例:In addition, how can we expect our parents left unattended (被遗弃) to live alone in the future.翻译:此外,我们怎么能指望父母无人照顾(被遗弃) 将来独自生活。2006年真题第二段(中间段)整体示范:In an age of change,we don’t have to make a fuss about the phenomenon that there are an increasing number of people abandoning the virtue of dedication and mutual help. The root cause for this phenomenon is moral decline, which makes some grown adults are obsessed with fame,fortune and social status,whilst neglecting their responsibility of taking care of their aging parents. Additionally, fierce and acute social competition and growing pressure also contributes to this phenomenon, by which I mean that it is hard for grown adults to spare much time for caring for their aging parents. Going unchallenged, such a phenomenon will go from bad to worse, and will cast a pall over on the relationship between two generations, especially on their hardworking parents and is unsustainable in the long run. In addition, how can we expect our parents left unattended to live alone in the future.翻译:在一个变革的时代,我们不必对越来越多的人放弃奉献和互助的美德这一现象大惊小怪。这种现象的根本原因是道德沦丧,这使得一些成年成年人沉迷于名利和社会地位,而忽视了照顾年迈父母的责任。此外,激烈而激烈的社会竞争和日益增长的压力也导致了这一现象,我的意思是,成年成年人很难抽出足够的时间来照顾年迈的父母。如果不受挑战,这种现象将变得越来越糟,并将给两代人之间的关系蒙上阴影,尤其是对他们勤劳的父母,从长远来看是不可持续的。此外,我们怎么能指望我们无人照顾的父母将来独自生活。3.尾段(第三段)①尾段第一句-评价现象结构:All in all, looking after old parents rather than abandoning them!翻译:总而言之,照顾父母而不是抛弃他们!②尾段第二句-提出建议结构:In my opinion, for sb(国家/政府/家长/教育者) to do sth is always a wise choice to ...2006年举例:例:In my opinion(On the micro level), for young people to accompany their parents spiritually and materially is always a wise choice to let them enjoy their old age.翻译:在我看来(微观层面),年轻人在精神上和物质上陪伴父母是让他们享受晚年的明智选择。2006年真题第尾段(第三段)整体示范:All in all, looking after old parents rather than abandoning them! In my opinion, for young people to accompany their parents spiritually and materially is always a wise choice to let them enjoy their old age.翻译:总而言之,照顾老父母而不是抛弃他们!在我看来,让年轻人在精神上和物质上陪伴父母是让他们享受晚年生活的明智选择。2006年真题完整篇示范: This cartoon is a visual reminder the severity of grown ups’ refusing to care for their aging parents. In the center of this thought-provoking picture is an old man, sad and helpless, lying on the ground and kicked around like a football by his own children. Meanwhile, we can also find the old man’s children, three sons and one daughter, all acting as gatekeepers and preventing their old father from rolling into their own houses.
In an age of change,we don’t have to make a fuss about the phenomenon that there are an increasing number of people abandoning the virtue of dedication and mutual help. The root cause for this phenomenon is moral decline, which makes some grown adults are obsessed with fame,fortune and social status,whilst neglecting their responsibility of taking care of their aging parents. Additionally, fierce and acute social competition and growing pressure also contributes to this phenomenon, by which I mean that it is hard for grown adults to spare much time for caring for their aging parents. Going unchallenged, such a phenomenon will go from bad to worse, and will cast a pall over on the relationship between two generations, especially on their hardworking parents and is unsustainable in the long run. In addition, how can we expect our parents left unattended to live alone in the future. All in all, looking after old parents rather than abandoning them! In my opinion, for young people to accompany their parents spiritually and materially is always a wise choice to let them enjoy their old age.翻译:
总而言之,照顾老父母而不是抛弃他们!在我看来,让年轻人在精神上和物质上陪伴父母是让他们享受晚年生活的明智选择。(二)中性话题二、英语二-图表作文考研英语二图表作文高分模板思路https://www.zhihu.com/video/15807566083042508801.首段(分为柱状图和饼状图)为了让同学们更容易掌握,我们拿一个柱状图(2019年真题)和饼状图(2015年真题)进行举例:2019年真题(柱状图)2015年真题(饼状图)①首段第一句——图表概述(暂时不分柱状图和饼状图)这是第一段的第一句,什么是图表概述呢?主要的信息来自于图表的标题,比如2019年这篇,就是:“某高校2013年和2019年本科毕业生去向统计”;2015年这篇,就是“我国某及市居民春节假期花销比例”。结构:As is illustrated in the statistics among sb about sth,(注意这实际上不是一个句子,所以你要用逗号进行连接)翻译:正如…群体…主题的统计数据所示那具体我们怎么操作呢?模板2019年真题(柱状图)举例:As is illustrated in the statistics among college graduates about their choices after graduation,翻译:如大学毕业生关于毕业后选择的统计数据所示2015年真题(饼状图)举例:例:As is illustrated in the statistics among citizens about their Spring Festival spending,翻译:如市民春节消费统计数据所示,①首段第二句——数据描述(分为柱状图和饼状图)柱状图描述公式:公式:The number of 数据名称1 increased/decreased sharply from less than 数字1 in 时间1 to 数字2 in 时间2. While The number of 数据名称2 increased/decreased sharply from less than 数字1 in to 数字2 during the same period.2019年真题(柱状图)举例:the percentage of those who go to work after graduation decreased from 68% to 61% between 2013 and 2018, while the percentage of those who pursue a higher degree/who go to a graduate school increased from 26% to 34% and start a business increased from 1.3% to 2.6% during the same period.饼状图描述公式:公式:A has/is/reveals the largest proportion,which accounts for 8%. then the next/second is B with *%, and finally come C,D and E at *%,*% and *% respectively.2015年真题(饼状图)举例:the percentage of those who go to work after graduation decreased from 68% to 61% between 2013 and 2018, while the percentage of those who pursue a higher degree/who go to a graduate school increased from 26% to 34% and start a business increased from 1.3% to 2.6% during the same period.2019年真题(柱状图)首段整体示范:As is illustrated in the statistics among college graduates about their choices after graduation, the percentage of those who go to work after graduation decreased from 68% to 61% between 2013 and 2018, while the percentage of those who pursue a higher degree/who go to a graduate school increased from 26% to 34% and start a business increased from 1.3% to 2.6% during the same period.翻译:正如大学毕业生关于毕业后选择的统计数据所示,2013年至2018年间,毕业后工作的比例从68%下降到61%,而同期,攻读更高学位/读研究生院的比例从26%上升到34%,并创业的比例从1.3%上升到2.6%。2015年真题(饼状图)首段整体示范:As is illustrated in the statistics among citizens about their Spring Festival spending, The expense on new-year gifts is the largest proportion,which accounts for 40%,followed by transportation and gathering dinners,with the same 20%,and finally come the total of other expenses,at 20%.翻译:如市民春节消费统计数据所示,新年礼物支出占比最大,占40%,其次是交通和聚会晚餐,占20%,最后是其他支出的20%。2.中间段(不分柱状图和饼状图)①中间段第一句——过渡句结构:Reasons for the phenomenon (主题词)presented in the chart/picture can be listed as follows.②中间段第二句——原因分析1(外部原因)结构:Firstly, …(外部原因词组) is a major contributor/are major contributors for such a phenomenon, which makes sb do sth.翻译:首先,… 是造成这种现象的主要原因,这使得…人做…事2019年真题(柱状图)举例:例:Firstly, Improvement and positive impact brought by going to graduate school, such as stronger abilities, more professional knowledge and broader eyesight, are major contributors for such a phenomenon, which makes college graduates come to realize the importance of educational background.do sthTend to do sth.倾向做…Be willing to do sth.愿意做…Come to realize sth.意识到…Spend much time on sth.but ignore sth.Sth.becomes increasingly+形容词(in our life)Sth plays an increasingly important role in xxx万能外部原因素材:(6个)①Improvement and positive impact brought by sth to sb’s life, such as…某事给某人生活带来的提高和正面的影响或the inconveniences and problems caused by sth to sb’s life, such as…由于…造成的不便和问题②The awakening of sb’s awareness and extensive media publicity about sth某人的…意识的觉醒和广泛的媒体传播③fierce and acute competition and growing pressure in modern society当代社会的竞争和压力④gradual improvement in people’s living standard and growing purchasing power生活水平的逐渐提高和购买力的增强⑤relevant rules and regulations not in existence or in effect 相关规章制度不存在或government support and encouragement政府的支持和鼓励⑥advanced technology in… and popularity of a variety of modern devices技术的进步和各种设备的流行③中间段第三句——原因分析2(内部原因)结构:In addition/secondly, given …(内部原因词组), it is not surprising for us to witness the above mentioned tendency. (模板句)可把模板句替换为:It is not surprising for sb to do sth翻译:此外/第二,给定(内部原因词组), 我们看到上述趋势并不奇怪。2019年真题(柱状图)举例:例:Secondly, given students’ parents and society emphasis on famous universities and students’ pursuit of better personal development, it is not surprising for us to witness the above mentioned tendency. 或把模板句替换为it is not surprising for college graduates to strengthen/enhance their comprehensive competitiveness through improve their educational background. 翻译:其次,鉴于学生的父母和社会对名牌大学的重视,以及学生对更好的个人发展的追求,我们看到上述趋势并不奇怪。(对于大学毕业生来说,通过改善教育背景来增强综合竞争力并不奇怪。)④中间段第4句——原因分析3(原因)结构:Finally, We can also largely ascribe …(现象) to 原因词组.翻译:最后,我们也可以很大程度上把…归因于…2019年真题(柱状图)举例:例:Finally, We can also largely ascribe the increase of starting business by graduates to the government support and encouragement in entrepreneurship.翻译:最后,我们也可以在很大程度上将毕业生创业的增加归因于政府对创业的支持和鼓励。万能内部原因素材:(6个)①the merits of sth, such as…的优点,比如…或the demerits of sth, such as②the great leap forward in the quality and function of sth在…的质量和功能上的飞跃③people’s obsession with fame, fortune and social status人们对于名声、财富和社会地位的痴迷或people’s pursuit of a high-quality life /of better personal development/ of competitiveness / of personal success/of economic interests/ of better education and medical care/ of excitement and enjoyment/ of a harmonious interpersonal relationship 人们追求 高品质的生活/更好的个人发展/竞争力/个人成功/经济利益/更好的教育和医疗保障/刺激和享受/一个和谐的人际关系或people’s emphasis on test scores/on physical appearance/ on cultural exchange and integration/on accumulating work experience/on famous universities/ personal convenience and interests/ high quality and low price 强调考试成绩/外表/文化交流和融合/积累工作经验/名校/个人便利/高质量低价格④people’s ignorance, indifference or carelessness in this respect人们对…方面的无知、不关心或不注意或people’s resistance to sth. (b resistance to the high price of American cars)人们抵触… 2019年(柱状图)真题中间段整体示范:Reasons for the phenomenon presented in the chart/picture can be listed as follows. Firstly, Improvement and positive impact brought by going to graduate school, such as stronger abilities, more professional knowledge and broader eyesight, are major contributors for such a phenomenon, which makes college graduates come to realize the importance of educational background. Secondly, given students’ parents and society emphasis on famous universities and students’ pursuit of better personal development, it is not surprising for college graduates to strengthen/enhance their comprehensive competitiveness through improve their educational background. Finally, We can also largely ascribe the increase of starting business by graduates to the government support and encouragement in entrepreneurship.翻译:图表/图片中出现现象的原因如下。首先,研究生院带来的进步和积极影响,如更强的能力、更专业的知识和更广阔的视野,是造成这种现象的主要原因,这使大学毕业生认识到教育背景的重要性。其次,鉴于学生的父母和社会对名牌大学的重视,以及学生对更好个人发展的追求,大学毕业生通过改善教育背景来增强/提高其综合竞争力并不奇怪。最后,我们也可以在很大程度上将毕业生创业的增加归因于政府对创业的支持和鼓励。3.尾段(不分柱状图和饼状图)①尾段第1句——预测趋势结构:As has been discussed above,we could draw the conclusion that with the rapid development of________,there will still be a rise in_______.翻译:如上所述,我们可以得出结论,随着________的快速发展,_______仍将有增长。2019年真题(柱状图)举例:例:As has been discussed above,we could draw the conclusion that with the rapid development of society,there will still be a rise in the number of college students pursuing higher education.②尾段第2句——提出建议结构:Correspondingly, it is highly necessay for 政府/学校/媒体/主题 to do sth①Correspondingly, it is highly necessay for governments to implement proper policies in … and launch mass media campaigns② Correspondingly, it is highly necessay for school to provide necessary guidance in…for students③ Correspondingly, it is highly necessay for mass media to popularize the notion of…(主题词)2019年(柱状图)真题尾段整体示范:As has been discussed above,we could draw the conclusion that with the rapid development of society,there will still be a rise in the number of college students pursuing higher education. Correspondingly, it is highly necessay for school to provide necessary guidance in employment and further education for students.翻译:如上所述,我们可以得出结论,随着社会的快速发展,接受高等教育的大学生人数仍将增加。相应地,学校非常有必要为学生提供就业和继续教育方面的必要指导。2019年真题完整篇示范: As is illustrated in the statistics among college graduates about their choices after graduation, the percentage of those who go to work after graduation decreased from 68% to 61% between 2013 and 2018, while the percentage of those who pursue a higher degree/who go to a graduate school increased from 26% to 34% and start a business increased from 1.3% to 2.6% during the same period. Reasons for the phenomenon presented in the chart/picture can be listed as follows. Firstly, Improvement and positive impact brought by going to graduate school, such as stronger abilities, more professional knowledge and broader eyesight, are major contributors for such a phenomenon, which makes college graduates come to realize the importance of educational background. Secondly, given students’ parents and society emphasis on famous universities and students’ pursuit of better personal development, it is not surprising for college graduates to strengthen/enhance their comprehensive competitiveness through improve their educational background. Finally, We can also largely ascribe the increase of starting business by graduates to the government support and encouragement in entrepreneurship. As has been discussed above,we could draw the conclusion that with the rapid development of society,there will still be a rise in the number of college students pursuing higher education. Correspondingly, it is highly necessay for school to provide necessary guidance in employment and further education for students.(224)翻译:
如上所述,我们可以得出结论,随着社会的快速发展,接受高等教育的大学生人数仍将增加。相应地,学校非常有必要为学生提供就业和继续教育方面的必要指导三、小作文(英语一英语二相同)1.首段(就一句话)结构:Dear xxx,How are you! I feel extremely excited to write this letter in order to (ask you to help me with the voluntary work).我们接下来以两篇小作文为例:2019年小作文和2021年小作文为例举例1——2019英一小作文(介绍信)Directions:Suppose you are working for the “Aiding Rural Primary Schools” project of your university. Write an email to answer the inquiring from an international student volunteer. Specify the details of the project.You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name in the e-mail. Use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points.)首段示范:Dear Sir or Madam,How are you! I feel extremely excited to write this letter in order to introduce the whole program.举例2——2021英一小作文(建议信)Directions: A foreign friend of yours has recently graduated from college and intends to find a job in China. Write him/her an email to make some suggestions.You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2.Do not sign your own name at the end. Use "Li Ming Open" instead.You do not need to write the address.首段示范:Dear Jack/My Friend,How are you! I feel extremely excited to write this letter in order to give you some suggestions concerning finding a job in China.2.中间段(第二段)中间段写作思路:为什么?——原因/背景(重点)是什么?——介绍事物/活动等怎么做?——具体措施小作文中间段模板句素材库1.为什么①外部原因②内部原因We notice that you focus your eyesight on sth③意义/好处/影响It can not only bring sth to sb,but also help sb do sth.2.是什么①总体介绍(介绍内容必写句)sth is characterized by 名词(来自于题目信息),which aims to …②细节介绍(介绍内容必写句)There is/are a/some … activity/activities set for the sb.活动举例:teaching activity;exchange meeting;the Q&A activity;lottery3.怎么办①措施1It is advisable for sb to do sth.②措施2Sb be willing to try sb’s utmost to do sth③措施3If you are interested in …, you are welcome to join us.句型补充(重要)①表达感谢We are much obliged/grateful/indebted for your hard work and your concern about environmental issues.②活动举办的时间和地点This contest is scheduled to be held at 2:00 on November 20th in the Center of Students’activities.中间段示范——2019英一小作文(介绍信)Firstly, “Aiding Rural Primary Schools” is characterized by helping kids in remote area,which aims to primary schools in poverty-stricken rural areas such as remote and poor villages in Anhui Province.(是什么)In addition, There is a teaching activity and donation set for the children there during each summer vacation.(是什么)Finally, If you are interested in our project, you are welcome to join us.(怎么办)中间段示范——2021英一小作文(建议信)3.尾段(第三段)根据对方是否需要回信选择:①需要回信I would appreciate it if you could take my complaint / application / resignation /recommendation / invitation / questions into serious consideration. And I would bemuch obliged to you for an early and positive reply比如邀请信,道歉信,投诉信,介绍信等②不需要回信(展望)I am convinced that with our shared efforts,the library service will be improved a lot.比如建议信,推荐信等


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