
  一、指代物  it可替代动植物与无生命的东西,它与one的区别在于one= a/an + none; it = the + n。  1. ---Where is my pencil case? ---Isnt it in your backpack?  2. ---I have a motorbike. It (= the motorbike) was bought three years ago.  3. As this chair is broken, I must have it (= the chair)repaired.  4. My father bought a pen and gave it (= the pen) to me.  5. You can not eat your cake and have it. 世事难两全。  试比较:  6. I have no dictionary, so I want to buy one. (one = a dictionary)  7. I have a dictionary, it is over there. (it = the dictionary)  二、指代人  it可指代一个未亲眼看到的、不明身份性别的、面目不详的人,或婴儿、儿童,照片中的人物等。  8. --- Who is there waving to you? ---Its my friend Tom.  9. ---Who is crying in the room? ---Its my brother Jack.  10. ---Who is knocking at the door? ---It must be Kate, my classmate.  11. ---Who is the girl in the photo on the wall? ---Its my sister.  12. ---Who is it? ---Its me. (有人敲门)  13. ---Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see who it is. (敲门)  14. ---Oh, by the way, there is a telephone call for you. ---Who was it? (打电话)  15. ---Who is making so much noise? ---It must be the children.  16. There is a person knocking at the door. Who can it be?  17. Just at that time, in came a girl. It was Marks sister.  18. There is a young lady at the door. It is his daughter.  19. What a beautiful baby! Is it a boy?  20. A baby is lying in the cradle. It was born two months ago.  21. The baby cry because it is hungry.  22. The baby has got its first tooth.  注意:若身份已确定则要用人称代词。  23. There is a lady at the door. She wants to see you.  注意:向别人介绍某人时用this。  24. This is my friend, Jim.  三、指代前述内容, 或者是文中的内容  25. Beauty is everywhere. It makes us happy.  26. There is a football match tonight. It starts at six oclock in the evening.  27. If you remember these points, it will help you.  28. When we die for our motherland or the people, it is a worthy death.  29. You have helped me a lot. I shall never forget it.  30. Yang Liwei was the first Chinese to be sent up into space. It made the Chinese proud.  31. His mother is fifty-seven, but she doesnt look it.  32. Mr. Wang was ill. Have you heard it?  33. ---Thank you for your help? ---Dont mention it.  34. Although we cant see it, there is air all around us.  35. It would be wonderful if you could come to help us.  四、指时间  36. ---What time is it by your watch? --- Its ten minutes past two.  37. ---What day is it today? ---Its Friday.  38. ---Whats the date today? ---Its May 1st.  39. Its early spring, but its still very cold.  make it + 时间 把时间定在;约定  40. Lets make it eight oclock.  41. Let's make it three o'clock sharp.我们约定3点整吧。  Its time (for sb.) to do sth.  42. Its time to have supper. = Its time for supper.  53. Its time to take a walk.  44. It is time for us to set out.  45. It is time for you to go to bed.  Its time for sth.  46. Its time for class. (口语中可省略为Time for class.)  47. Its time for lunch. (口语中可省略为Time for lunch.)  48. Its time for a break. (口语中可省略为Time for break.)  49. Its time for a rest. (口语中可省略为Time for rest.)  50. Its time for dinner. (口语中可省略为Time for dinner.)  Its high/about time + did/should (虚拟语气)  51. Its high time you left.  52. Its about time we should work hard at our lessons.  It is/has been + 时间 + since  53. Its twenty years since she left me.  54. It has been 20 years since I left here.  55. I heard it had been 20 years since they departed from each other.  It was/will be + 时间名词 + before 从句 在多长时间后才发生某事  56. It was twenty years before they met again.  57. It wont be long before you recover.  58. It will be two years before I come here again.  五、指天气等自然现象  59. Its very cold in winter in Haerbin.  60. Its five degree below zero.  61. It will be windy tomorrow.  62. It will snow heavily tomorrow.  63. The volleyball match will be put off if it rains.  64. It was snowing heavily when he went out.  65. ---Whats the weather like in Beijing? ---Its cloudy.  六、指距离、速度、金钱、度量  66. Its just two stops to the park. 到公园只有两站路。  67. Its about ten kilometers from my home to my school.  68. Its about ten minutes walk from here to the zoo.  69. It is 90 dollars in price.  70. Its 200 mph in velocity. 速度是每小时200英里。  It is + 数词 + meters/miles/kilometers long/wide.  71. Its three kilometers long for from east to the west.  72. Its 200 meters wide from this side to that side.  七、指环境情况  73. Its very quiet in the forest.  74. Itll be very interesting at the party today.  75. It is always very clean and tidy in my sons room.  76. Its very chilly in my room.  77. It was noisy when he got to the classroom.  78. If it is convenient to you, I am going to visit you.  79. It was exciting when we watched the astronauts taking space walks.  八、替代this或that  80. ---Whats this/that? ---Its my pencil sharpener.  81. Thats not interesting, is it?  82. This is your point, isnt it?  九、作形式主语  (一)、替代动词不定式  It is + adj. to do sth.  83. It is good to eat vegetables.  84. It is an honor to have been asked to speak at the meeting.  It is + adj. +for sb. to do sth.  注意:此结构中的形容词是描述事情的、说明句尾动词不定式特征的形容词。这些形容词主要有certain, clear, dangerous, difficult, easy, hard, illegal, impossible, important, obvious, possible, polite, proper, right, unnecessary, unimportant, unlikely, useless, useful等。  85. She is such an eccentric woman that it is difficult for anyone to get on well with her.  86. It is a good custom for young people to give up their sets to old people in the buses trains, or subways.  It is + adj. + of + sb. to do sth.  注意:本句型中的形容词一般表示人(逻辑主语)的某种特性,要么是夸赞,要么是贬损。主要有brave, careful, careless, considerable, cruel, clever, foolish, good, grateful, generous, impolite, kind, nice, polite, rude, silly, stupid, thoughtful, unkind, wise, wrong,等。  87. It is kind of you to lend me so many books.  88. It is clever of you to solve so difficult a problem.  89. It is wise of you to refuse his offer.  90. It is remarkable of her to be always working like this.  It is a pity(for sb.) to do sth. 很遗憾做某事  91. It would be a pity to miss the opening ceremony.  92. It is a pity for you not to go to Paris with us.  It is a great relief (to sb.) to do sth. 做是一大慰藉;真叫人送了一口气  93. It is a great relief to have rain after a long time of drought.  94. Its a great relief to me to know you are safe.  95. Its a great relief to hear that she won the prize.  It is worth while to do sth. 做是值得的  注意:本句型就相当于It pays to do sth.;worth while 不要写成worthwhile。  96. It is worth while to take a trip abroad.  97. It is worth while to learn English.  Its best to do sth. 最好做某事 = To do sth. is best.  98. Its best to set off tomorrow. 最好明天动身。 = To set off tomorrow is best.  99. Its best to review the lessons one more time. = To review the lessons once more is best.  Its better to do A than to do B = To do A is better than to do B.  100. It is better to borrow than to buy. = To borrow is better than to buy.  101. Its better to stay at home than to go to the cinema. = To stay at home is better than to go to the cinema.  How is it possible to do sth.? 这怎么可能?  102. How was it possible to fall down from the third floor without being hurt?  103. How is it possible for a girl of ten to fly an airplane?  Its no use to do sth. 做是没有用的  104. Its no use to argue with him.  105. He doesnt know the answer, so it is no use to ask him.  It takes (sb.) + 时间/条件 + to do sth. 某人花了多少时间做某事;做某事需要(条件)  106. It takes me half an hour to walk from here to school.  107. How long does it take to fly Being to London?  108. It takes patience and hard work to master English.  It costs sb. some money to do sth. 某人花多少金钱做某事  109. It cost him a great deal of money to take the trip.  100. It cost me 2000 dollars to collect these stamps.  It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人突然想到做某事  111. It never occurred to me to take advantage of you. 我决没有想到过要占你便宜。(利用你)  It feels + adj. + to do sth.  112. It feels pleasant to talk with her. 同他谈话使人感到愉快。  113. It must feel strange to have a twin brother.  114. It feels unhappy to be with him.同他在一块让人感到不舒服。  115. It feels nice to take a walk in the evening. 晚间散散步感觉很好。  其它例句  116. It seems a pity not to have taken his advice.  117. It wont hurt to postpone the party for a few weeks.  118. It did surprise me to hear you say so.  119. It gave great pleasure to have finished this work ahead of the dead line.  (二)替代动名词  动名词可以直接位于句首作主语,但为了强调,或动名词过长时,要用it作形式主语置于句首,而把动名词放到句子最后。这也是英语尾部重压原则所要求的。  It is no good/use (in) doing sth. 做是没用的;做是白费力气的  = It is of no good/use doing sth.  = It is not any good/use doing sth.  120. It is no sue crying over spilt milk.覆水难收,悔恨无益。  121. It is no use trying to drown your sorrows in drink. 解酒浇愁无济于事。  122. Its no good getting cross with him.和他生气没有用。  123. Its no good reading without full understanding.  Its exciting doing sth.  124. Its exciting meeting you here.  Its dangerous doing sth.  125. Its dangerous playing with fire.  Its foolish doing sth.  126. Its foolish behaving like that.  Its pleasant doing sth.  127. Its pleasant lying in the sun.  Its fun doing sth.  128. Its fun being a magician.  Its no use doing sth. 做没有用  129. Its no use crying over spilt milk.  130. Its no use regretting.  131. Its no use you running away.  注意:  1. 辨析:Its no use doing sth.
Its no use to do sth.  132. Its no use doing sth. 通常指比较一般的情况。  133. Its no use to do sth.常指具体的情况,也就是指在某一特定的场合所发生的事情。  2. 类似句型  134. Its useless to do sth.  135. Its of no use to do sth.  Its a nuisance doing sth. 做很烦人。  136. Its a nuisance having to do so much homework.  注意:这一结构中的动名词还可加ones即物主代词来充当该动名词的逻辑主语。  137. Its a waste of time your talking to him. It is just like casting pearls before swine.  138. It was great encouragement to us their coming to help.  139. It is useless doing that over and over again.  注意:辨析:Its nice to do sth.
Its nice doing sth.  140. Its nice to do sth. 常用于见面或活动开始; Its nice doing sth.则用于分手或活动结束。  141. Its nice taking a walk in the evening.  142. Its so nice sitting near a fire in winter.  143. Its nice to meet you here.  144. Its nice to have a talk with you. (说话开始)  145. Its nice talking with you. (谈话之后)  Its hard doing sth.做某事有困难  146. Its hard learning English well.  Its interesting doing sth.做某事有趣  147. Its interesting going sight seeing.  Its easy doing sth.做某事容易  148. Its easy working out this problem.  (三)、替代主语从句  句型一:It + be + adj. + that从句  149. It is clear that she is a spy.  140. Is it true that you won the contest?  151. It is true that he didnt tell the truth.  152. It is quite plain that Tom didnt want to go there with us.  153. It is obvious that the driver couldnt control his car .  句型二:It is + adj. + that (虚拟语气)  154. It is strange that such a rich man should be so stingy.  155. It is natural that such a hardworking student should pass the exam.这么用功的学生通过考试时很自然的事。  156. It is important that he should not do it. 他不该做那事是有必要的。  157. It isnt surprise that Marry should marry him. 玛丽要同他结婚并不奇怪。  157. It is necessary that you should go to the doctor.  158. It is strange that we should meet here. 我们竟然在此相遇,真奇怪。  159. It is a pity that we should refuse to attend the meeting.  句型三:It + be + 名词或名词词组 + that从句  It is a pity that 真是遗憾  160. It is a pity that we have to leave tomorrow.  161. It is a pity that I cant go to the theater with her tonight.  It is ones belief that 某人相信...  162. It is her belief that he will succeed someday. 她相信总有一天他会成功。  163. It is our belief that every body is equal before the law.  164. It is my belief that it takes intelligence, diligence and persistence to succeed.  句型四:It + be + 过去分词 + that从句  It is regarded that 人们认为  It is supposed that人们猜测;据推测  It is said that 据说 有人说  It is pointed out that有人指出  It is proposed that 有人提议  It is reported that j据报道  It is stated that 据称;据说  It is thought that有人以为;有人认为  It is well known that众所周知  It is accepted that 人们公认  It is announced that 据称;有人宣称  It is acknowledged that 应该承认  It has been shown that 业已表明  It has been proved that 已经证明  It believed that有人相信  It is declared that据宣称  It is described that 据述  It is considered that有人认为  It is observed that可以看出;据观察  It is mentioned that据说;上文提到  165. It is said the sports meeting will be called off.  166. It was later found that the report was false.  167. It is known that he is an honest man.  168. It is reported that Yao Ming got hurt while training.  169. It is known to all that smoking is bad for health.  170. It is said that he can speak six languages.  171.It is supposed that Tom will be our monitor next semester.  172. It must be pointed out that everything youve done will be answered for one day. (必须指出)  注意:当过去分词是suggested, ordered, demanded等表示命令,建议的动词时主语从句要用虚拟语气。  173. It is believed that health is above wealth.  174. It was once generally believed that the earth was flat.  175. It is reported that the car accident took place on New Year s Eve.  176. It is reported that another bridge will be built here.  177. It is estimated that the damage was over one million dollars.  178. It is suggested that each student should tell a story.  179. t is ordered that the work should be finished by the end of this month.  句型五:It 替代wh-从句  180. It doesnt matter to me what you say and do. 你说什么和做什么跟我毫无关系。  181. It is a mystery where David got the money  182. It has been decided when the match will be held.  183. It is very clear what he meant.  句型六:It + 动词 + that从句  It is just as well that 做/没做倒也不错  184. It is just as well that we arrived at the station in time. 还好我们及时抵达车站。  185. Its just as well that you didnt go out in the rain. 你下雨天没出去倒也是好事。  It follows that... 必然是 那必然是真的  It doesnt follow that 未必  注意:follow在此意为be necessarily true(必然是真的)  186. It follows that if you work hard, you will succeed. 如果你努力,你就会成功,那必然是真的。  187. From this evidence, it follows that he is not the murderer. 根据这一证据判断,他当然不是真凶。  188. Although she is poor, it doesnt follow that she is dishonest. 虽然她穷,却未必不诚实。  It occurs to sb. that
某人突然想起  189. It occurred to him that he should go to see his girl friend.  It seems/appears (to sb.) that (在某人看来)似乎  190. It seems to my grandfather that my father is still a child.  191. It seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller.  It happens /chances that 恰好; 碰巧  191. It happened that the harvest was bad in 1958.  192. It happened that Kate was out when I called her. (= Kate happened to be out when I called her.)  193. It chanced that I was busy doing my homework when he came.  It goes without saying that 不用说;是显而易见的  194. It goes without saying that money cant buy anything.  195. It goes without saying that home is the warmest place in the world.  It shocked sb. that 使某人惊讶的是  196. It shocked me that he couldnt communicate with his mother.  其它句式  197. It is often the case that haste makes waste. 忙中出错是很常见的。  198. It is good news that you have beaten your rival and won the gold medal.  199. It is great pleasure that you were with me.  200. It is common knowledge the whale is not a fish.  十、作形式宾语  句型一: 主语+谓语动词+it +宾语补足语+(for/of sb.)+不定式/动名词/名词性从句  在这个句型中,谓语动词通常是find, think, make, consider, regard等。引导名词性从句的有that, if, whether, who, what, when, where, how等。  201. I think it important that we keep up with the times.  202. I think it possible for us to get there on time if we hurry.  203. Do you think it possible to finish it in time?  204. We all consider it wrong to cheat in examination.  205. I feel it my duty to help the poor.  206. I think it stupid of you to accept his present.  207. She found it useless arguing with her husband.  208. I think it worthwhile discussing the problem again.  209. We all believe it no good quarrelling over such trifles. 我们都认为位这种区区小事争吵没有益处。  210. I count it an honor that I can serve you.  211. You havent made it clear whether I am to go or not.  212. Havent I made clear it you mustnt spit everywhere?  213. I want to make it clear whether she still loves him or not.  it可以用在have, enjoy, hate, like, love, take, appreciate等动词后充当形式宾语。  214. I hate it when people talk with their mouths full.  215. I hate it that Ive made so many mistakes.  216. Does it matter if he cant finish the job on time?  217. I like it when she kiss me.  218. He will have it that our plan is impracticable.  219. We take it that you will act according to the final agreement. 我方认为贵方是会按最后协议行事的。  220. We all take it that Liu Xiang will win the first prize. 我们都相信鲍勃会获得一等奖。  221. I will appreciate it if you call me back. 如果你给我回电话我会感激不尽。  222. I take it for granted that we should work hard.  句型二  ①.主语+take it for granted that  ②.It is taken for granted that  此句型意为认为是理所当然的,that可省略。  223. They took it for granted that he will win the pretty girls favor. (应得漂亮姑娘的芳心)  224. It is taken for granted that everyone is equal before the law.  十一、用于强调结构  句型:It is/was + 被强调部分 +that/who +其他成分.  被强调的是人时可以用that或who,或whom,其它一律用that。  (一). 强调主语  225. It is I who am to blame.都怪我。  226. It was Mr. Wang who/that gave me this dictionary.  227. It is the people who are really powerful. 真正强大的是人民。  228. It is Beijing that is the capital of China.  229. Its I who runs this shop, not you.  230. I was he that helped the old man across the street.  231. It is I who/that am a new winner of the gold medal.  232. It is you that/who made fun of him.  233. It is that he often fails in exams that makes his parents worried about him.  234. What is it that has made him so excited? 到底是什么事情使他变得如此激动?  235. It is the ability to do the job that matters not where you come from or what you are. 重要的是工作能力,而不是你来自哪儿或你是干什么的。  (二). 强调宾语  236. It was a black car that Jack bought yesterday.  237. It is Han Mei that/whom I teach every Saturday evening.  238. It was Mr. Green that/whom he brought the newspapers to. =  239. It was to Mr. Green that he brought the newspapers.  240. It was her that/whom I wanted to call on the other day.  (三). 强调状语  241. It is last night that all this happened.  242. It was in Beijing that I was born.  243. It was because of his illness that he was late yesterday.  244. It was because it rained that he didnt come.  245. It is by bike that he often goes to school.  246. It was when he was about to leave that the telephone rang.  247. It was in 1968 that they got married.  248. It was not until he finished his work that Mr. Wang went home.  249. t was not until he finished his homework that he went out.  (四). 强调疑问词:疑问词 + be + it + that  (五). 强调who  250. Who was it that did it?  (六). 强调what  251. What is it that he wants us to do?  (七). 强调where  252. Where was it that you picked up the pen?  十二、没有实意的if  (一). 作seem, happen等动词的主语  it常做seem, appear, happen, turn out等动词的主语,在这些结构中,it没有实意。  253. It seems unlikely that he will pass the exam.他不大可能会通过考试。  254. It happened that I was not in the classroom when the earthquake happened. 地震发生时我碰巧不在教室。  255. It turned out (to be) a stormy day. 结果那天风狂雨骤。  256. It appears that she have many friends. 她似乎有很多朋友。  (二). 泛指生活、生活环境等  257. How is it going? 情况如何?  258. How is it going with your mother? 你母亲好么?= How is it with your mother?  259. It is always the case with him.他的情况一向如此。  260. I shall stick it out here till he comes. 我将一直在这儿坚持下去,直到他回来。  261. He wants to leave home and go it alone. 他想离开家,独立生活。  262. At last weve made it.  263. go for it 努力争取;加油  264. You can make it, too.  265. Believe it or not.  266. It depends. / It all depends. 得看情况而定  267. It serves sb. right. 某人罪有应得。  268. Have a hard time of it 经历一段艰苦时间;吃了不少苦头  269. have a rare time of it 过得极其快活;玩得极其愉快  十三、俗语、习语、谚语中的it  1. Its my turn. 轮到我了。  2. Its hard to say. 很难说。  3. It comes to nothing. 没有结果。  4. It doesnt matter. 没关系。  5. Its no use. 没用。  6. It never rains but pours. 不雨则已,一雨倾盆;祸不单行  7. Thats it. 这就对了;就这样  9. Just as sb. puts it. 正如某人所说  10. It isnt ones thing. 这不是所好;这不是某人真正喜欢的东西  11. It makes no odds to sb. + 从句. 没关系;无所谓;无关紧要;无差别  It makes no odds to me whether you go or stay. 你是去是留与我无关。  12. It serves sb. right (for doing sth.)咎由自取;罪有应得  She left you, didnt she? It serves you right for being so selfish.  13. It stands to reason (+that从句). 这是人人都清楚的;这是明摆着的  It stands to reason that they will go if you dont pay them enough.  14. It takes two to do sth. 双方都有责任;一个巴掌拍不响  It takes two to make a quarrel.  It takes two to tango, but I still think it was more his fault. 一个巴掌拍不响,但是我还是觉得多半是他的错。  15. will come out in the wash. 终将水落石出;终将真相大白于天下  16. It is the same with 情况一样  ---Tom is good at math, but weak in history. ---It is the same with me.  17. It will cost you. 贵得很;要花很多钱  There is a de luxe model available, but it cost you. 有豪华型的,但很贵。  18. It wont do. (表示情况不令人满意,应加以改进)那不行;那不合适  I am afraid it wont do. 恐怕不成。  It wont do without you. 没有你可不成。(这是离不开你)  19. Its a long story. 说来话长。  20. Its a small world. 世界真小  Goodness, its a small world, I just saw my old teacher at the airport.  21. Its a snap. 容易的很。  They told me this is a hard test, but its a snap.  22. Its Greek to me. 我完全不懂。  23. Its in Gods hand. 一切听天由命。  24. Its not my day. 万事不顺的日子。  25. Its up to you. 由你决定。= You decide.  26. see to it that  Please see to it that the door is locked. 请注意一下门锁了没有。  See to it that you're not late again. 注意千万不要再迟到。  27. look to it that  Look to it that this doesnt happen again.注意不要在发生这种事。  Look to it that you make no more similar mistakes.注意以后不要再犯类似的错误了。  Look to it that you don't make the same mistake again. 注意不要再犯同样的错误了。  28. Its piece of cake.  29. as it is/was 实际上;像现在这个样子  Dont touch it, leave it as it is.  30. as it were 姑且这么说;可以说;仿佛,似乎  He is, as it were, a walking dictionary. 可以说,他是个活词典。  I became, as it were, a man without nationality. 我似乎成了一个没有国籍的人。  31. call it a day 今天到此为止;就这样算了吧 (相当于so much for today; that is all for today)  Now lets call it a day.  32. chance it 碰运气;冒风险 (=risk it)  Its now or never. Lets chance it. 机不再来。我们碰碰运气吧。  33. foot it 步行,走路;快走, 紧跑  I missed the last subway and had to foot it home.(步行)  If we want to get there on time, we have to foot it. (跑过去)  34. have it out with sb. 同某人决一雌雄;同某人讲个明白  35. have it over/on 胜过;比强  36. hop it 走开;滚开 = get away  37. if it were not for; were it not for; if it had not been for; had it not been for 若非;要不是  38. It is well (that)幸好;万幸  Its well the children didnt see what happened.  It was well for you that nobody saw what you had done.  39. leg it 跑;快走  We had better leg it or we will be late.  40. lord it over sb. 骑在头上作威作福;对称王称霸  The days are over when the colonialists could lord it over the people.  41. make a day of it 把一整天的时间都花在某事上  Tomorrow is May Day. We are going to make a day of it. 我们准备痛痛快快地玩一天。  42. make it hot for sb. 刁难某人;使某人受不了  Ever since their argument the principal has been making it hot for the new teacher.  43. make it too hot for sb. (用迫害、敌视等手段)迫使某人离开;弄得某人呆不下去  You are make it too hot for me to stay here.  44. off it 不大舒服  I am feeling rather off it.  45. put ones back to it 真使劲;真努力  You can finish the work by noon if you put your back to it.  46. risk it = chance it  I dare not risk it; its too dangerous.  47. rough it 过艰苦的生活  If you go mountaineering in such weather, you will have to rough it.  48. shake it up 赶紧;赶快  We have to shake it if we dont want to be late.  50. sweat it out 苦熬;仍受困难  Hell just have to sweat it out by himself. 他只得自己苦熬。  51. take it 默默忍受;猜想,认为  If failure comes your way, be a man and show that you can take it.  You will be leaving Beijing now, I take it.  52. take it easy 别紧张;慢慢来  53. take it from me 请相信我;我敢保证  She will never leave you; take it from me.  Take it from me-this project is bound to fail.  53. take it or leave it 要不要都行;不要还价,要么要要么不要  This is my last offer. Take it or leave it.  ---Do you like coffee with milk? ---I can take it or leave it. 放不放都行。  十四、注意下列句型用there, 不用it  1. There is no use doing sth. = It is no use doing sth.  2. There is no point doing sth.  3. There is no sense doing sth.  4. There is something wrong with  5. There is no doubt that 毋庸置疑  6. There is no need for doing sth. /to do sth.  7. There is no denying 无可否认  8. There is no hurry about 无需慌张  9. There is no difficulty in doing sth. 方面没困难。  10. There is no lack of
有很多的,不缺乏的  11. There is no possibility/probability that /of 没可能  12. There is no room for 没有的余地  13. There is no sense in
是无意义的  14. There is no sign of
没有迹象  15. There is no saying that 难以断言  16. There is a slim hope of
有微小的希望  17. There is some difficulty in doing sth. 做某事有困难  18. There is some trouble in doing sth. 做某事有麻烦  19. There appears to be 似乎有  20. There seems to be 好像有  21. There used to be.. (过去)常常有;原来这儿有  22. There is evidence that 显然  点击查看空间原文
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  1.Itsthe first time that.(从句中用现在完成时)
  It wasfor the first time that(强调句,对状语for the first time进行强调)
  Its(high) time that..(从句中用过去时或should do)
  2.Itsthe same with sb. / So it is with sb.表示某人也如此(用于前句中既有肯定又有否定或两个不同类的谓语动词)
  3. beabout to do / be doingwhen.正要做/正在做就在那时.
  4.A istwice / three times as +原级+as B A是B的两倍/三倍
  A istwice / three times the n. of B. A的是B的两倍/三倍
  A istwice / three times +比较级+than B A比B多两倍/三倍
  5.Its awaste of time / money doing / to do做浪费时间/金钱
  Its nouse / good doing 做是没有用的
  Itspossible / probable / (un) likely that. 很可能
  It makesgreat / no sense to do做某事很有/没意义
  6. Theresno use / good doing. 做没有用
  Theres no sense / point (in) doing 做没有意义
  There is no need for sth. / to do. 没有过必要做
  There is (no) possibility that(同位语从句)很可能/没可能
  7.The+比较级..,the+比较级越.., 越.
  8.Itseems / appears ( to sb. ) that sb.在某人看来某人
  = Sb.seems / appears to be / to do / to be doing / to have done..
  It seems / looks as if.好象/似乎..
  9.It (so)happened that sb. ..某人碰巧..
  = Sb. happened to be / to do / to be doing /to have done..
  10.It issaid / thought / believed / hoped / supposed .that sb
  =Sb. issaid to be / to do / to be doing / to have done.(注意:这种句型里如带动词hope则不能变成简单句,因为无hopesb. to do结构)
  13. Doyou mind if I do sth.? / Would you mind if I did sth.? 你介意我做吗?
  14. Thechance is that../ (The )Chances are that.很可能.
  15.Check/ Make sure / See to it / See that..(从句中常用一般现在时) 确信/务必..
  16.depend on it that..取决于
  see to it that.负责/设法做到.
  注意:除了except / but / in等介词可以直接接that从句,其它介词后必须用it做形式宾语;
  17.It is/ was +介词短语/ 从句/ 名词/代词等+that
  How /When / Where / Why is / was it that..?
  18.How isit that..(这几个句型都表示怎么会.? 怎么发生的?)
  How come+从句?
  How does / did sth. come about? ( How did itcome about that.?)
  如:How come you are late again?
  19. Thereseems / appears / happens to be / must be / cant be / is (are, was, were) saidto be / is (are, was, were) thought to be.
  表示 .似乎有/碰巧有/一定有/不可能有/ 据说有/认为有..
  介词(如of )there being
  want /wish / expect there to be要/希望/期待有..
  adj. /adv. enough for there to be.足够.会有.
  注意:there being / there to be为therebe的非谓语形式;It is said / thought that there is / are=Thereis / was / are / were said (thought) to be. 如:
  Eg: Ihave never dream of there being such a good chance for me.
  It wont be cold enough for there to be afrost tonight.
  20. 疑问词+插入语+陈述语序?
  Eg: Whodo you think hell have attend the meeting?  


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